
Visit Your Dentist About Gum Disease  Risk Factor Prevention

With each passing year, your oral health is more at risk for oral ailments they can gradually wear down your teeth and gums. Your gums especially tend to be extremely vulnerable as you age due to numerous risk factors including periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. In order to protect your gums against any infections that can arise, it... read more »

If You Have Gum Disease, These May Be the Reasons Why

When it comes to a healthy smile, healthy gums are essential. In fact, dental procedures such as orthodontics, dental implants, bridges, and partials, teeth whitening and dental veneers depend on having healthy gums. However, half of the adults in the U.S. over the age of 30 have gum disease. If you struggle with gum disease, some of the following might... read more »