Sedation Dentistry


Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with dental anxiety, fear of needles, or low pain tolerance. Different levels of sedation can be administered, ranging from minimal sedation (where the patient is awake but relaxed) to deep sedation (where the patient is almost unconscious but can still be awakened). Sedation dentistry ensures a more comfortable and stress-free experience for patients, allowing them to receive necessary dental care without undue anxiety or discomfort.

How to Fix It

When a tooth’s decay progresses beyond a simple cavity, reaching the inner pulp where nerves and blood vessels reside, a root canal becomes an essential intervention to prevent further infection and preserve the tooth’s structure. During the root canal procedure, the dentist or endodontist will numb the area to ensure patient comfort before creating an opening in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp chamber. The infected pulp is meticulously removed, and the canals are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Afterward, the canals are filled with a biocompatible material, usually gutta-percha, and the opening is sealed with a temporary filling. A follow-up appointment is typically scheduled to place a permanent crown or other restoration, completing the process and allowing the tooth to function normally again. This treatment not only relieves pain but also prevents the spread of infection to other areas of the mouth.

Related Facts

In-Office and At-Home Sedation

In-Office: Utilizes methods such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedatives, and intravenous (IV) sedation to manage patient anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures.

At-Home: Prescribes oral sedatives to be taken prior to the dental appointment to alleviate pre-appointment anxiety and ensure a calm experience upon arrival.

Key Features

Anxiety Reduction: Significantly lowers patient stress levels, creating a more relaxed dental care environment.

Pain Management: Helps in managing pain perception, making dental procedures more comfortable for patients.

Patient Cooperation: Enhances patient cooperation, especially in those with dental phobias or special needs, facilitating smoother dental procedures.