One of the biggest risks to your oral health arises due to dental damage in the form of dental erosion, also known as enamel erosion. It results when the layer of your teeth call the tooth enamel slowly wears away. This process is typically the result of harmful acids that can eat through your tooth enamel. To combat dental erosion, it is important to understand its causes and apply the necessary treatments and prevention techniques.
Dental erosion often arises due to conditions involving dry mouth or dry mouth-related symptoms. Dry mouth arises when saliva in your mouth is hindered. This is seriously damaging to your smile because saliva is essential for washing away harmful acids that contribute to dental erosion. Exercise caution with any medications you are taking as they can often lead to dry mouth. Other common causes of dental erosion include heartburn, acid reflux disease, genetic and environmental factors and your diet.
Real Life Dental to help you with whichever oral health care treatment is right for you. To schedule an oral exam with Dr. Damon Thompson and our team at our dentist office in Blacksburg, Virginia, simply give us a call at 540-552-5433. Drs. Damon Thompson, Nick Bottorff, Andrew Denardo, and Natasha Rizk are here for your smile!